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Finding Your Way in the World of Live Streaming in Education

Video (YouTube): geNEOus Chats and geNEOus Bites

The Future of Education and Sustainable Development Goals

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

Lessons from Adworld Conference, Fall 2021

Article: geNEOus Ideas

Adworld Conference, Fall 2021 - What We Learned

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

Breaking the Mold: Unlearning for Traditional Educators

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

Challenging the System: Unlearning for Teachers

Video (YouTube): geNEOus Chats and geNEOus Bites

Learnlife - A Learning Experience Inside & Out

Article: geNEOus Ideas

Learnlife - A Learning Experience Inside And Out

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

Strategies for Improving Onboarding and Student Success

Video (YouTube): geNEOus Chats and geNEOus Bites

Beyond Bombarding Students: A Better Approach to Orientation and Onboarding

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

When geNEOus Went To Barcelona

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

When We Went To Barcelona!

Article: geNEOus Ideas

Generalists: A Discussion on the Value of Diverse Skill Sets

Podcast (Spotify): geNEOus Ideas and geNEOus Chats

From Specialism to Transdiscipline: A Vision for the Future of Education

Video (YouTube): geNEOus Chats and geNEOus Bites

What Exactly Are We Doing? - 5 Big Questions On Education

Article: geNEOus Ideas

Diversity in the Workplace

Video (YouTube): geNEOus Chats and geNEOus Bites